The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The post holiday blahs

The worst thing about holidays is the let-down. Not on the day itself, but within a day or two afterward, when the radio stations stop playing holiday music. Neighbors stop burning their light displays. Some people take down their Christmas trees. Those of us who love to rekindle the magic of the season of our youth during this time of year, realise that we are, as the Buddhists put it, the sound of one hand clapping.

My energy is at an all time low. I'm feeling burned out from the lead up to Christmas. I've cooked, decorated and cleaned. I have no plans for New Year's Eve.

This is when Dan comes to the rescue. He tells me that I have to pick out a Christmas movie to watch. We have an extensive collection of Christmas DVDs - one that would make the American Film Institute proud (despite the fact that there are three or four classics that are missing from this collection at the moment.)

I don't know if watching a Christmas movie four days past Christmas is going to cheer me up much. What cheers me up is the fact that Dan knows how disappointed I am with the experience of viewing the holidays from the other side of the divide. A little sympathy is the cure for many ills. I'll grab a DVD off the shelf and I think I'll light some candles and break out the eggnog, as well. For him as well as myself.


posted by Melanie O. at 6:52 PM -
  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger gardenbug said…

    Christmas isn't over yet. It merely starts on December 25 and continues for 12 days. You've been celebrating advent.

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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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