The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Another Valentine's Day
I usually don't look forward to Valentine's Day. It's one of those contrived holidays used to sell cards, flowers and chocolates to mostly men who get guilted into feeling that they haven't shown their love for their partner enough in the past year. I like celebrating Girlfriends' Day instead.

I wasn't expecting anything, except perhaps a rose cut from one of my bushes, presented this morning with a cup of tea.

Now I feel ashamed that I doubted Dan.

This morning, he wished me a Happy Valentine's Day. I kissed him and wished him the same. And then he gave me a card and a gift.

The card was very sweet, and the gift was something that I had mentioned in passing a couple of weeks ago as one of those "Oh, that might be nice to try" off-hand only half-serious comments. He remembered that I had expressed an interest, and got it for me.

Bless him.

I took him to lunch. We went to a Chinese place. Chinese is not my first choice for meals out, but he loves it, so lunch was primarily for him. By coincidence, it's also Chinese New Year.

Happy Chinese Valentine's New Year everyone!

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posted by Melanie O. at 4:35 PM -
  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger Anthony said…

    I''m glad you and Dan had a great Valentine's Day. For me, the wretched holiday only serves as a reminder of how perpetually lonely I am. At least it's a good excuse to eat chocolate. Then again, I don't need an excuse.

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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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