The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Being thankful
There are many things I miss about living in the States. Besides my family, I miss the North American holiday season. From October through to February, even March, there is one holiday after another, and the one holiday that will forever be quintessentially American in my mind, is Thanksgiving.

I suppose I don't really need a special day for remembering all of the things that I am thankful for year 'round, but it's nice to have that day, a historical memento of what our forefathers celebrated, to set aside time to be with family and friends. I miss having a long weekend, time to cook a huge turkey, and using all of the chairs around my dining room table, which, these days, sees use of only two most of the time.

I miss the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, that, to me, heralds the Christmas season. I miss the crisp autumn air, real apple cider, and pumpkin pie. This year, I had to buy canned pumpkin for pies from the David Jones International Deli, at $9 a can!

So, this year, to compensate for not having a holiday, I'm going to list all of the things I'm thankful for (and I encourage anyone reading this, to share their list in the comments section):

I am thankful

1) that all of my sons made it to adulthood without too many mishaps. At least, not ones that they couldn't recover from.
2) that I am relatively healthy. Besides the aches and pains of early arthritis, I really don't have a lot to complain about. I still have a good figure and few lines and wrinkles in my face.
3) that I've got a job doing what I love for an organisation that I believe in.
4) that my mother is still around and we've had a chance to build a good relationship despite those rocky teen years.
5) that I can afford to shop on eBay for those kitschy mid-century modern items that I love, like my starburst clock and my Franciscan Starburst dishes. Latest purchase, a 1957 Shirley Temple doll in great condition.
6) that I'm married to a good man. Never thought that would happen!
7) that I've been able to travel and see the world and be exposed to other cultures and ways of thinking.
8) that I have friends from all over the world who mean so much to me. I only wish that we could get together more often.
9) that I have value to other people.
10) that I have a mortgage. Yeah, yeah... mortgages can be a pain in the butt, but if you have to pay for a place to live anyway, may as well own it at the end of the day. At least the house has character and is in the country (and comes complete with a ghost, if you believe in such things.)
11) that my son Andy has a fairly stable place to live, even though he never writes any more.
12) for a good sense of humor, without which I would not have survived to this point.

There's a lot more, but this is a start. Can't wait to bake those expensive pumpkin pies!
posted by Melanie O. at 6:30 PM -
  • At 5:11 AM, Blogger Kanani said…

    You are married to a really good man. And more than that, he's married to a good woman.

    I'm SO glad things have worked out and that you've had a chance to start a new life.


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About Me
Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
See my profile...

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