The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Phyllis Diller and Aunt Clara
I woke up in the middle of the night last night, remembering a couple of old commercials from the 1960's. Both were about powdered bleach. Phyllis Diller was hawking Snowy bleach, and Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne) from the old Bewitched TV series, was hawking Oxydol.

So, to test my memory, I went to good ol' Google - and found out that Phyllis did do Snowy Bleach commercials, and if I looked hard enough, I bet I would discover that Marion Lorne did a couple for Oxydol.

I'm scratching my head over why these two commercials, in particular, should pop into my head in the middle of the night. What do you think? Is there any meaning in dreams?

posted by Melanie O. at 8:58 AM -
  • At 6:03 PM, Blogger Melanie O. said…

    Other: I want to change my hair style to look like Phyllis Dillers' or Marion Lorne's.

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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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