The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Brazen hussy
I've decided that I am a brazen hussy. I'm not ashamed of my body, don't mistreat myself, and am not afraid to give my opinion if asked for it. Some people call that being brazen. If that's brazen, then I guess I'm proud to be so.

In the past week or so, there's been a huge hubbub about 15 year old Miley Cyrus baring her back for Vanity Fair magazine. I saw the photo. It's sweet and not suggestive, and yet there was such a huge outcry from people who called her "slutty" and accused photographer Annie Leibovitz of creating child porn. A legacy of our Puritanical roots, no doubt. Miley was neither brazen nor slutty. She is, however, trying to transition out of the pre-teen music industry. She's not going to be a kid forever.

All of these unflattering labels we throw at women - "slutty," "brazen," "trampy," and worse, make me want to laugh. Most of the time, it's women calling other women those names. How sad!

My husband loves the fact that I'm a brazen hussy. He lusts after me like a teenager. How good is that for my ego? I think every husband should lust after his wife. Imagine how much happier we'd all be. Maybe we wouldn't have wars or child abuse.

Sometimes it's nice to be naughty. Now you'll have to excuse me .... I have to find some trashy lingerie to wear. Dan comes home from work in an hour.
posted by Melanie O. at 5:57 PM -
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About Me
Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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