The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Big hair
The rumour circulating amongst my women friends now is, big hair is making a comeback. This is great news for a woman who has enough hair on her head to supply two people. New South Wales is begging for rain so that the dams are replenished, but I dread when it rains because it means I will have big, pouffy, uncontrollable hair all day. No straightener or hair product exists that can rectify this problem.

Big hair was never a problem in the '50’s. Women regularly got permanent waves. Curly hair was seen as desirable (“eat your bread crusts – they’ll give you curly hair”); however, when the ‘60’s and the Hippy movement rolled around, straight hair became the fashion. It was considered bourgeois to force ones hair into a neat, well-coiffed shape. If you couldn’t get the right shape via a good cut, then one was supposed to let ones hair “do its thing.”

The problem is, my hair doesn’t know what its “thing” is. It’s curly at the nape of my neck and at my temples, and practically straight on top. To get it looking nice, I either have to perm it so that it’s all curly, or relax it so that it’s all straight. Without chemical assistance, my hair looks like Easter grass – except that it’s not green and made of plastic.

Big hair made a comeback in the 80's, but it was really exaggerated Big Messy Hair. Few women could carry it off and not look like they'd been caught in a shredder. Sinead O'Connor probably shaved off all of hers in protest of Big Messy Hair. They even coined a name for it back then: Bed Head.

Honestly though, my hair does Big very well. The thing is, I’ll still have to torture it with a blow-dryer and curling iron and use styling products that won’t hold up in the rain.

I can’t wait for Easter Grass to come into fashion.
posted by Melanie O. at 2:10 PM -
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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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