The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Dan's haircuts
I am many things to my husband: cook, therapist, mistress, housekeeper, personal shopper, and, to top it off, I'm his beautician.

Dan's not what you would really classify a metrosexual, but he likes to look neat most of the time. When we got married, he went off to get his hair cut, as most men do, and I thought the results were rather uninspiring. But hey - he was doing the right thing. The next time he needed a trim, I offered to do it for him, just to see if it would come out any better than what he could get at the cut rate salon. I'd been cutting my sons' hair for years and if they liked their haircuts, maybe Dan would, as well.

The first haircut was a huge success, and Dan, seeing that he was on to a good thing (free haircuts!) made requests for eyebrow tweezings to thin out his monobrow, and ear hair trimmings. Thankfully, he didn't ask me to trim his nose hairs.

I am quite happy to do this for him. I can't blame anyone but myself if his haircut comes out looking horrid, and it gives us a chance to chat and joke around without other distractions. Dan says the best part is that he gets to ogle my boobs without repercussions. He says that was a common fantasy he had whenever a woman cut his hair (just so you cosmetologists know - in case it wasn't already obvious.) I've warned him never to fondle me mid-haircut unless he wants part of his ear clipped off.

You know, it's these little silly things that keep couples together. I hope he never goes bald.


posted by Melanie O. at 4:54 PM -
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About Me
Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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