The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Friday, October 26, 2007
The full moon
I don't know why it is, but the full moon seems to bring out the weirdness in the world. It's been a stressful week. I've lost server connection mapping, a friend seems to have had a personality change (I'm worried), and other friends have been sick, have job woes, etc. There've been several emergencies at work this morning that have had me and a few others scrambling around.

I think back on my history lessons and remember my ancestors, the Celts, used to live life by the phases of the moon. All the women were fertile at the same time. The extra light at night made people restless and they didn't sleep. Some became "lunatics."

I've got a bit of a love affair with the moon. I'm fascinated by its mystery and want to know what's on the "dark side." My grandfather used to have a telescope and would let us have a look every now and then. He had it rigged with a reflector so that we kids could see the spots on the sun without hurting our eyes. It was so interesting - even as a nine year old girl.

When I got older, I'd go to sky watch gatherings to see the Perseid meteor shower and to see Halley's Comet (which was pretty disappointing, to be honest. Hale-Bopp was better.) I still didn't own a telescope - I just used the club telescope for my 30 seconds of observation time.

When my grandfather died, my grandmother sold the telescope or gave it away. I wish she had given it to me. My eyes seem to be riveted on the night sky - especially out here in the country where you can see a million stars. I like to think that there are some answers out there - as to why we are so imperfect, and yet perfect at the same time.

And weird.

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posted by Melanie O. at 3:03 PM -
  • At 12:04 AM, Blogger gardenbug said…

    Not only did Dad have a telescope, He had slides of the heavens. He projected them onto the screen...a pattern of dots of lights in the dark sky. He said that when the slides were made, people thought it was a photo of stars. We have better telescopes now. That same slice of the night sky reveals that those dots of lights are actually galaxies. It blew my mind to consider the size and power of space. He showed me the moon through the telescope. I felt I was falling into the moon, it was so close. If you have a dark sky near your house....little light pollution, you should buy your own telescope. I think Dan would like it, too.

  • At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The extra light at night made people restless and they didn't sleep

    That explains it...

  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Anthony said…

    I've always had a fascination with the moon. To me, she is beautiful. She is Goddess. She impacts every aspect of our lives. The full moon in particular seems to change the very atmosphere. Everything is different. Emotions are high. The energies around us seem to be more intense. Autumnal/harvest moons seem to have more of this energy, especially around Halloween.

    Things have been quite strange for me lately, as well. It's been both hectic and tiring. I, too, have felt the full moon's impact.

    By the way, Happy Halloween!

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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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