The Secret Life of Melanie O.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Trampy red shoes
I was told several years ago, by a PhD economist at the college where I used to work and take classes, that you can never feel bad if you're wearing red shoes. And one day recently, I realised that I felt bad and needed a lift. This is when her words came echoing back to me. I went straight to eBay, of course.

I have a difficult time finding shoes here in Australia in my size that I like, so eBay has saved my feet on a few occasions. I eagerly performed a search for red shoes in my size, and a pair of Pamela Anderson red pumps came up.

The were deliciously trampy. High heels, transparent plastic jelly body - totally impractical, but very sexy, and of course, red. I showed them to Dan with glee, and he immediately made me promise to wear them to his company Christmas party.

I made the promise, but of course, I had to break the shoes in, so I wore them to work last week. It's a fact - we might not notice the speed limit, but we do notice shoes. Especially ones that are a bit flashy or unusual. I spent the day getting compliments from co-workers and total strangers who proclaimed "I love your shoes!"

I think my experience does verify what that professor told me many moons ago. "It's impossible to feel bad if you're wearing red shoes."
posted by Melanie O. at 1:44 PM -
  • At 3:36 AM, Blogger Anthony said…

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    I might have to give this a go some time. As it is, I collect shoes, and the wilder and crazier the better. I put them on when I need a lift, but the truth is, I can seldom manage to wear the more extreme ones very far. The purple fake snake-skinned rat stabbers might take me around the block, but I'm miserable afterwards and my arches just ache...Sadly, the only shoes that feel good on my feet are too ugly for words, but I still love my pretty shoes.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Melanie O. said…

    Mary - I empathise! I had a lot of trepidation wearing those shoes to work with the amount of commuting that I have to do, but in the end, it was worth it. They were off though, the moment I walked in the door in the evening, though!

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Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
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