My camera died. My wonderful Canon Powershot A95 - with manual and auto exposure, 12X zoom, 5 MP images, and articulated LCD display. It died just in time for me to receive my new vintage clothes. My camera was fine one day, and then the next....nothing. No LCD display and no photos, not even with the display turned off. I sobbed. I threw things. I stamped my foot.
It didn't help.
So, one week later, after I discovered the clumps of hair in the bath that had fallen out from the stress, I decided to *gasp* ... replace my camera. I feel like such an adulteress! How can I be so disloyal to my beloved Canon? And to make it worse, I bought
Yes, a Kodak Z812 IS with 12 X zoom, 8 MP images, image stabilization and HD 720 pixel video. It is more powerful and has more features than my little Powershot A95, but at a lower cost.
I can't wait for it to be delivered! I'm such a tramp.Labels: camera cuckoldery |