Reconnecting |
Some of you may remember my post from back in November, when I wrote about my sadness and confusion over the disappearance of my first husband, my sons' father. Because of this blog, I've been able to reconnect with his family, and I am totally thrilled! I know that some people would feel odd - but not me. It feels like a bit of me has been restored. I am hoping that some good things will come out of it and that we'll all benefit.
I guess I am writing this because, for many reasons, families become estranged, or best friends fight and "break up," and relationships get lost. In my case, the common denominator passed away, which opened up the way for renewing relationships without the spectre of the past acting as a wrench in the works. And with the way being open, old myths and misperceptions are falling away quickly.
There are still many unknowns, but the desire to meet the unknown is exciting rather than terrifying. I have few trepidations, because any connection is a bonus over no connection.
We are all family, after all. |
In front of the camera again |
 Despite the fact that I live half a world away from my old friends and contacts, I try to keep up the communication. As someone who has survived life's foibles and other people's freedom of choice, I've learned that life can be unpredictable, and I may find myself back right where I started. I'll be glad that I maintained those relationships.
This past week, I was contacted by my former producer, who enjoys my little home movies. He wants me to make little documentaries and human interest segments for the community TV station in Chapel Hill again.
Oh no, I am thinking. You mean I have to take my film career seriously?
Not that I ever made money working at the TV station. It's just a community station and we tried to provide a bit of glam and culture, and possibly, some laughs. But it did come with perks. I used to get free food and was treated like royalty in Triangle region.
So, this time, if I make these Specials, I can look forward to total anonymity. Except, of course, when I go back to visit. If I do this, I will do this for my Inner Ham. You know, the part of me that likes to be behind and in front of a camera. Cecelia B. DeMille is finding her way back to the limelight. Now I just need to know what kinds of things people in Chapel Hill would find fun and interesting about Australia. Besides my lingerie or doll collection of course.
All suggestions appreciated. |
Just swear while you work ... |
I learned something a long time ago from my father. The lesson was:
If you want to get something done, swear while you work.
Many a time, my dad would be in the basement, with the plumber's snake, unclogging the pipes and getting filthy, all the while, letting out a stream of blue language that has probably embedded itself in the concrete walls. One hundred years from now, some ghost hunters will be in our old basement, with EVP machines, and they will capture the playback of a man cursing while he works.
The kick is, however, my dad always managed to fix whatever it was he was working on.
I do believe that this is a "man thing," as Dan does exactly the same thing. This past weekend, Dan was fixing a wall outlet that stopped functioning. He took the wall plate off (after he turned off the Mains electricity, of course) and immediately started to curse the person or persons who wired our house. They left no slack in the wiring for any kind of repair work.
Dan wrestled with the wiring, cutting his thumb in the process, and swearing up a blue streak. I was the designated torch (or flashlight) holder as well as band-aid provider. Fifteen minutes and fifty curse words later - the outlet was fixed and functioning. This methodology works well when you've got those odd jobs to do around the house.
Now, there have been plenty of times I've wanted to let loose with a stream of curse words where I work, but somehow, I don't think that would go down very well. |
Name: Melanie O.
Home: Durham, North Carolina, United States
About Me: Female, American health and beauty-conscious professional who has rekindled a childhood love of dolls.
See my profile...
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